Mediumship / Psychic Reading
50 minutes
@ $125.00
Readings will be conducted using Zoom. Zoom is a free video conferencing application and the instructions on how to use it will be sent to you through the email you provided. The entire reading will be recorded for you and sent to the email address you provide.
Expectation and Preparation
Welcome and thank you for allowing me to connect you with your loved ones in Spirit. I do grounding and protection prior to our reading asking that only those who walk in God’s light come through. I also ask for positive messages that serve only the highest good. Although I have no control over who comes through or what messages they bring below you will find some things that will help you get the most out of your reading.
Once the session is set I begin to get information. Every Medium is different on how they received their information.
24 hrs prior to your reading start focusing on who you would like to come through. Ask them to be present.
Refrain from drinking a lot of alcohol or doing anything that will keep you from being present, open and clear minded. 30 minutes prior to the reading prayer, meditation or just stillness will help with the connection.
Throughout the reading please don’t tell me too much but positive acknowledgement when there is validation will help with the flow of information.
Waiting till the end to ask questions works best. I have found that Spirit will bring through the messages we are meant to receive. By letting it flow naturally most questions will be answered on their own.
The Beginning
Online Course through Zoom
This 8 week course is for those interested in learning about Mediumship and the fundamentals of connecting to Spirit. It will be an exploration of yourself, connecting with your Guides and learning the steps to connect into Spirit. Moving from a curiosity and believing to a knowing. Through this journey you will learn how to make that connection for yourself and to build trust in yourself and Spirit.
There is nothing more healing than making that connection for yourself or someone else and to witness the healing and growth that comes from that relationship with Spirit.
8 week Course/2 hour class weekly
16 hours of instruction in Classroom Setting
30 Minute Private Mentorship Session
Direct Email Access for Questions
Weekly Homework
Private practice with other students
Topics, Tools and Practices you will learn:
- Grounding and Protection
- Meditation and Sitting in the Power
- Getting to Know Your Guides and How to Interact with them
- How to feel the presence of your Guides
- Evidential Mediumship and the Importance of obtaining that Evidence
- Ethics and Integrity of Mediumship
- The Difference between Psychic and Mediumship
- The importance of intention and remaining hopeful, helpful and healing.
- The importance of releasing the ego but still remaining confident
- Feel and discern a difference in Energy
- “It’s not about me”/Releasing outcome
- How to sense Spirit
- The relationship of the Spirit to the Sitter
- What has the Spirit come to say?
- Obtain the message and evidence from the spirit
- Trusting Spirit and the information you receive
- Delivering the message to your Sitter
- How to end the Reading
- The importance of practice
- How to continue to grow and improve
Class held online through Zoom
Beginning October 3, 2023
6:00pm Central
“The Beginning”
Mediumship Course